We create, manage and raise funds for:

Christian TV Specials and programs that present the true nature of Jesus Christ. Television specials that reveal the reality of our Lord and His divine role in our race like our current project described below.

“Jesus Joying In Our Race”

This dramatic and artistic film combines the power of the poetry of the late John C. Hoagland with a wonderful musical score by composer, Mel Takahara and the artistry of filmmaker, Marilyn Segraves. Historical art is integrated with real life imagery in a moving and worshipful portrayal of time - from pre-Creation to new Creation - as God’s plan of redemption is seen from beginning to end in a joyous celebration of His awesome love and power.

This project is in the offline editing stage. The final edit still needs to be funded. You can participate in bringing this marvelous film to completion by helping us fund this project.

Motion Pictures

Feature Films

TV Specials



Audio Books

Teaching & Learning Aids

Web Based Education

in the making of these TV Specials