<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <% function hideFromBots(strE) dim bots, re, c bots = Array("^EmailSiphon","^EmailWolf","^ExtractorPro","^Mozilla.*NEWT","^Crescent","^CherryPicker","^[Ww]eb[Bb]andit","^WebEMailExtrac.*","^NICErsPRO","^Telesoft","^Zeus.*Webster","^Microsoft.URL","^Mozilla/3.Mozilla/2.01","^Xenu.*Link.*Sleuth.*","^EmailCollector") for each spambot in bots Set re = new RegExp re.IgnoreCase = false re.global = false re.Pattern = spambot if re.Test(request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) then c=c+1 next if c>0 then hideFromBots="Email address witheld" else hideFromBots=strE end if end function %> The Parent Foundation - CD-ROM Training Aids

We develop educational materials and CD Training Aids for:

Christian organizations, churches, ministries and individuals that will help them to grow personally in their relationship to the Lord and then to reach out effectively to meet the spiritual needs of others locally and worldwide.

You can familiarize yourself with the content of each of these programs by checking out our online versions at www.parentcompany.com or by clicking one of the links below.

Children's Materials

Outreach Programs

CD-ROM Training Aids

Multimedia Presentations

Video Presentations

Fund Raising Programs

Life in Christ Series

in the making of these CD-ROM Training Aids